Welcome to Currimundi Special School. Currimundi Special School is located on the beautiful Sunshine Coast and we provide education for students from Prep to Y12 who meet the eligibility for enrolment in a special school.
At Currimundi Special School we cater for the diverse needs of our learners through individualised planning, an innovative approach to teaching and learning, a strong focus on communication and the commitment to a well organised, respectful school environment.
Currimundi Special School embeds a school culture that delivers high quality education, ensuring that every decision has the 'individual student' at its centre, that every student is achieving in a SAFE and CARING environment and that every school community member feels welcomed and connected to the school, through a collective commitment to respectful relationships, continual growth and high expectations of staff and students as SUCCESSFUL LEARNERS.
We welcome you to peruse the website and if you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
Kind Regards
Erin King