The Parents & Citizens Association (P&C) provide feedback and advice on school policies and activities, help to assist in providing resources to enhance student outcomes and are involved in a variety of school activities including fundraising & school functions.
We play a very important role in the life of the kids here at Currimundi Special School! Everyone is welcome to attend our meetings, which are held throughout the term on a Thursday at 1pm in the Library Meeting Room (emails are sent out with exact dates, if you want to register to receive updates please email
Reports by the Principal, Chaplain, Student Council Representative and Committee Members are presented each meeting.
Our 2024 P&C Executive Team:
President: Jess Woodhouse
Vice President: Yvonne Wertheim
Secretary: Jess Hubner
Treasurer: Stephanie Berzinski
President Email:
Secretary Email:
Our P&C runs our uniform shop and helps to keep costs as low as possible! Our uniform shop is open every Tuesday from 8.30am – 9.00am during the school term. You are able to order via the QKR App online, or EFTPOS through the front office.
Our P&C aims to foster the community interest in educational matters, to bring closer co-operation between parents, students, staff and the community. We also assist in the provision of financial resources that help to benefit the school. This year we have been able to assist with fundraising efforts such as:
- Petting Zoo
- Colour Run
- Assistance for students at Rep Levels
- Assistance with school uniforms
- Our SOLA (Sensory Outdoor Learning Area) Refurbishment
- Senior Shirts
- Year 12 Formal
- School Camps
- School Excursions & Incursions
- Island Charity Swim
We need your support at meetings, your support around social and fundraising activities, attendance at any special nights we do and your support for various projects around the school.
All involvement in the association is welcomed. The P&C offers an excellent avenue to meet other parents and actively participate in decisions affecting the resourcing and educational outcomes for our students. By attending meetings, parents and staff have an opportunity for input into our school's future direction.